Sunday, June 5, 2011

ELSKE returns to USA June 5

Elske left West End at 0615 and arrived at SOVEREL HARBOUR MARINAvand tied up in slip by 1500.
This marina was recommended to the Kelleys by the Johnstons of Kismar. Elske will remain here until Lake O waters rise enough.
The passage was smooth and without problem. Perfect weather, little wind, virtually no whitecaps, minimal swells. So nice indeed that Jackie got to take a nap on the way.
A trip highlight was seeing friends, Kaleen & Dave Dixon on FAMILY TIME as they journeyed with their flotilla from West Palm to Old Bahama Bay! Both boats took pictures of each other under way! Who would think that friends could meet in the middle of the Gulf Stream?
One very nice thing to report-- LOCAL BOATER OPTION WORKS FOR CUSTOMS CHECK-IN...easy & quick.
Kelleys head back to Fort Myers tomorrow via rental car. They will be visiting Elske on weekends.

2401 PGA Blvd, Suite 120, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
561-691-9557 fax

1 comment:

  1. I think the Elske may be there a's News Press reported lake lowest it's been since '07, and no rain in sight.

    Walt K
